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Back and Neck Pain Relief

At Our Enumclaw, WA Office


Chiropractic is a natural, healthy way to relieve pain, rather than using drugs or surgeries. By manually correcting the alignment of your body’s structure, it helps to provide lower back, upper back and neck pain relief.


We focus on the problem that is causing the discomfort, rather than symptoms, which is why chiropractic can help get to the root of the of your back or neck pain. It will improve  joint mobility/flexibility, and help increase the body’s ability to heal and repair.


Chiropractic promotes blood circulation to injured and inflamed areas, and allows for the body's natural pain inhibitors, endorphins and enkephalins, to be released.


Chiropractic improves posture and helps stabilize your body for better ergonomic balance—such as forward head posture and scoliosis.




Man performing chiropractic on woman's lower back



Relief from Back Pain

What Is Causing My Back To Hurt?

The pain you feel is triggered in the nervous system and can be dull or sharp. It may come and go mysteriously, but the pain is an indicator that something is going wrong with your body.


Different Types of Back Pain

  • Chronic (long term) lasting more than three months

  • Acute (short term) lasting only from a few days to several weeks

The lower back or lumbar spine is the most common location for pain, though a person may experience back pain in any part of his or her back


What Does Back Pain Commonly Stem From?


  • Incorrect posture for prolonged periods of the day including desk work

  • Muscle imbalances throughout the body

  • Degenerative disk disease

  • Traumatic injuries from auto accidents

  • Arthritis, Overuse, Incorrect bending and lifting


How to Get a Diagnosis for Back Pain?

There are many variations of discomfort in the back that require an accurate and timely diagnosis. An estimated 31 million adults in America experience back pain at any given moment, according to the American Chiropractic Association. As many as 80% of adults will have a back pain issue at some point in their lives while the most common complaint tends to be Lower back pain.


The underlying cause of back pain is not always identified correctly the first time around. This often leads to more stress and frustration which actually exacerbates the issue.


Process for Back Pain Diagnosis and Recovery


Diagnostic Process

The diagnostic process is similar throughout the profession and helps many adults who want and need answers. The diagnostic process starts with an open discussion with your healthcare provider. This often involves a review of your medical history, with attention put on the severity, frequency, and area of your back pain. 


Typical Questions from Your Doctor

  • How long have you noticed your back pain?

  • Is the pain located in your back only, or does it radiate to other body parts?

  • Does anything help your back pain subside?

  • What increases your back worse?

  • Have you ever received any treatment for back pain in the past?


Along with these questions, a diagnostic exam may also involve questions about other seemingly unrelated issues. You may be asked about tingling or numbness, urinary incontinence, or weakness and fatigue. it helps to come prepared to answer these questions along with the specifics of your back pain during your initial visit.


Next, a physical examination is performed. Your doctor may test nerve function and muscle strength in your arms, legs, and back, or ask further questions about back pain while putting pressure on certain areas of the body. These brief physical tests can provide insight  that medical history and symptom questions cannot. Sometimes, further testing is necessary in order to get a proper diagnosis.


Typical Tests You May Receive

When a physical examination and medical history combined are not enough to find a proper diagnosis, your doctor may suggest more in-depth diagnostic tests such as...

  •  X-rayprovides a detailed view of the bone structure in the spine

  • CT (computerized tomography) scan: offers a closer look than an X-ray

  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan can be recommended to help identify specific conditions that impact the back, such as degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, or spinal stenosis.


Sometimes your doctor may also request other imaging or electrical studies to get a more thorough understanding of the cause of the back pain, depending on its location and severity.


Receiving Your Diagnosis

Sometimes, even after extensive testing and symptom history, there may not be an immediate clear reason for back pain. A combination of these approaches works best to determine the underlying cause, but some medical professionals may conduct a trial and error approach for discomfort treatment over time. Chiropractic care may be a viable solution when treatments aren’t working or tests come up inconclusive.


If back pain persists, the best thing you can do to ensure you get the right diagnosis and, ultimately, the right treatment, is to follow up with your doctor or chiropractor.


Downside of Pain Relievers for Back Pain

If we mask symptoms with pain relievers and do not take care of the root of the problem we increase our chance of performing the same movements and activities that created the pain in the first place. Often time, by ignoring the warning signals of back pain, it causes spinal problems to worsen. If they rest all the time – because their back is in pain – they are just prolonging the issue.


There are those who have attempted a variety of different forms of therapy which only caused stress to the malfunctioning joints. Oftentimes, as a last resort to solve their back pain, surgery may be suggested. But it can be invasive and most often only considered as a last option.


Chiropractic Treatment for Back Pain

If you are part of the 8 out of 10 Americans who suffer from back pain, there is good news: Chiropractic treatment has helped millions of people just like you become pain free, while restoring their bodies to optimal health.


Chiropractors are spinal health experts and they use their hands to set the spine and joint to correct structural alignment and improve the body’s physical function.


Massage for Back Relief

Massage is more than just a "relaxation" aid, it is also extremely beneficial for the body’s health.

Massages increase blood flow and circulation to an injury or injured area, will help promote healing and rebuilding. It will also release toxins to the lymphatic system (the body’s natural filter), which become expelled from the body.


Massage can help solve problems with muscle twitches, also called "muscle fasciculation", along with releasing trigger points.


Massage is beneficial to those with stress and anxiety; it can improve joint mobility, and is an excellent non-invasive way of dealing with overall discomfort.


Relief of Neck Pain

Neck pain effects nearly 45% of today’s workers, with 12% of women and 9% of men experiencing it consistently every day. Neck pain can range from mild to severe, and while some can ignore the discomfort, most are unable to perform regular daily functions without feeling some sort of pain and discomfort.


What Causes My Neck to Hurt?

It can be hard to pinpoint what causes neck pain initially, especially when it goes away in a matter of days or weeks. But if it returns with persistence or is more debilitating, it’s necessary to get the right diagnosis and treatment quickly to prevent serious damage.


Most common reasons for neck pain:

  • An old injury or car accident

  • Sleeping in the wrong position

  • Poor body posture

  • Dehydration


An Old Injury

An old injury from a fall, improper exercise, a car accident, or a sports injury, is a common culprit of current neck pain, even if the initial issue took place months or years ago. For some, nerves in the neck and shoulder are impacted by an injury that doesn't resolve on its own, causing pain and stiffness that comes back over time.


Sleeping in the Wrong Position

Many people wake up with a stiff neck each morning and don't think anything of it. But that stiffness can be an indicator of an underlying issue taking place night after night. It is common to sleep in an awkward or atypical position that ultimately overextends the neck, leading to pain that doesn’t go away.


Poor Body Posture

Neck pain is also caused by poor posture. When your head is tilted down or your shoulders and back rounded while standing or sitting, pressure is put on the neck muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Poor posture has become a more widely discussed topic due to “text neck” – when significant time is spent looking down at the phone or computer. However, poor posture happens on the commute, at work, or at home. When the neck is forced to work harder to support your head in any circumstance, you’ll increase your chance of experiencing pain in some form down the road.



This one may seem out of place, but neck and back strength comes from the discs between the bones in your spine, so if these are not adequately hydrated, they won't be able to perform optimally. This could lead to immediate neck pain. However, because most people don’t connect hydration with a healthy spine, this issue could go unattended for quite some time.


How Can I Relieve My Neck Pain?

The smartest way to reduce neck pain, no matter how mild it may seem, is uncovering the root of the problem. While the common causes of neck pain seem apparent, you may also have a more severe nerve or muscle issue that is compounding the issue. If your neck pain persists for more than a few weeks, it is worth getting it checked out to prevent further injury.


Chiropractic care is beneficial in treating neck pain because it takes into consideration the work you’ve already done, if any, to correct your neck pain. It provides a course of treatment, which may include a neck adjustment, mobilization exercises, or massage, and can be tailored to the cause of your neck pain, and over time, you may experience a reduction in soreness and stiffness along with an improved range of motion. 


Try to bring your computer screen closer to eye level, or use a headset if you’re frequently on the phone. Make an effort to increase your water intake throughout the day, and perform exercises that stretch out the neck muscles while you're on breaks.


How to Sleep for Neck Pain Relief?

When neck pain is a persistent issue, it might be time to think about what you can do to remedy the discomfort. Maybe it is trying a new pillow or attempting to sleep in a different position, like on your back could be helpful. These simple changes can make your neck feel better early on in your day and keep your neck from fatigue later in the day.


These small shifts can have a significant impact on your neck, and so can get the right diagnosis and treatment strategy if necessary. Call our office to learn more about neck and upper back pain relief options today.


Ready to Get Started?

Click here or call our Enumclaw, WA office at 360-825-5757 to set up a consultation to see how we can help you eliminate pain quickly and to accomplish your spinal health goals.


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