Arthrostim Treatment
At Our Enumclaw, WA Office
At a rate of 12 cycles per second, The ArthroStim® Instrument delivers true high-velocity, short-stroke thrusts for maximum benefit.
This rapid pulse supersaturates the target area with specific adjustive energy (forces). The energy continues to ripple through the joint to surrounding fringe tissues.
Patients notice a positive difference within the very first treatment. The ArthroStim® helps alleviate secondary trigger sites and points of muscular spasm that Doctors aim for.
With the Arthrostim, there is no twisting, turning or “cracking” of joints which some patients feel more comfortable with.

Ready to Get Started?
Click here or call our Enumclaw, WA office at 360-825-5757 to set up a consultation to see how we can help you eliminate pain quickly and to accomplish your spinal health goals.